ATX X-Ray Equine Station

The ATX EQUINE X-RAY STATION is the perfect choice for in-field x-raying as it is robust, very portable, long life battery charged generator, water resistance and has no external boxes to interface with the acquisition computer.  Supplied with all in GETAC Laptop.

ATX has a wide range of accessories to assist with positioning and protection.

Lead time: Subject to stock availability, transit times and radiation licensing. Estimated shipping date to be provided once the purchase is confirmed.


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The Equine X-ray Station is comprised of:

  • ATX Smart portable long life battery powered X-ray generator (ATX EPX-F1600 1.6kW 90KV/30MA) View here
  • Ultra-140V DR (14x17inch / Wireless / CSI ) View here
  • Tough Book or GETAC laptop
  • ATX acrylic hard DR protector
  • DR carry bag
  • One year trial of iTX Cloud PACS, EzyVet Integration available View here,
  • Compliance testing as per local radiation health regulations.

Optional accessories:

  • Lead gown start up package (1 lead gown, 1 thyroid collar, 1 pair of vet mitts).
  • Premium Extended warranty for DR detectors. Includes DR regular maintenance, unlimited remote support and hot swap units in case of breakdown (DR &PC) plus 25% discount on service visits
  • Podoblocks: or cowboybox this unique system guarantees maximum radiation distance and no fingers on the x-raysView here
  • Protective charging transport case, able to content the X-Ray unit, DR, PC and charger.
  • DR hard protector & stand-off kit:  the DR panel protective case & stand-off kit has been designed to protect your x-ray DR panel out on the field.
    the stand-off arm can be used to distance the operator from the initial X-Ray beam & animal where possible. This protective case fits a 14×17 inch DR panel & will provide 1 meters distance when using the stand-off arm. View here
  • Equine tunnel- heavy duty: the ATX DR protective tunnel is a protector that can be used to perform X-Ray studies of equine extremities eliminating potential damage that can occur.  This unit is  constructed to protect a 35x43cm (14x17inch) DR or CR panel. It has 6 rubber feet to ensure a strong footing and provide grip to all surfaces & terrain. (current pictures does not include this feature). View here
  • Acrylic hard DR protector- Podoblock
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Include DR protector & Stand-off kit

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