BEEKLEY O-SPOT®791 Florals®


O-SPOT® Designed for Digital® Soft ‘n Stretchy® 791 Florals®

Provide certainty that densities on mammographic images highlighted by the O-shaped marker are moles and not areas of concern.

Ref: 791 (QTY: 55/box)

  • 1mm uniform ultra-sheer see-through ring
  • pinch-free material
  • designed for use with the most sensitive digital equipment
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O-SPOT® Designed for Digital® Soft ‘n Stretchy® 791 Florals®

O-SPOT® mole markers provide certainty that densities on mammographic images highlighted by the O-shaped marker are moles and not areas of concern. Deluxe Soft ‘n Stretchy® adhesive backing expands with the breast under compression and removes from skin without pinching.

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